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Should efforts by certain state governments, most notably FL & TX, to transport #migrants to other states be permitted?

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 8.8

"State governments doing what they must" Jul 31, 2024

The initiative by Florida, Texas, and Arizona to transport migrants to Democratic-led states should be welcomed.

The relocation of migrants is critical because it is a way of challenging the border policies of Biden's Administration as well as testing the migrants' social safety net. Even though the opponents of this tactic have dubbed it inhumane and cruel, the primary cause of this is President Biden's border policies.  Democratic-led states where the migrants are being moved to have been demonstrated to be "sanctuary" jurisdictions as described by proponents of this tactic because they have failed in enforcing migration laws.

This strategy is important because it will curb the effect of migration loopholes in local communities. It is also a good way of placing more pressure on President Biden's administration to put more effort into reducing the record-high number of individuals getting into the United States through the US-Mexico border.

The governors of states implementing this tactic have very valid reasons why they should execute it—and they are sensible. In a letter addressed to local authorities to start implementing the program, Governor Abbot states that the federal government lacks a real plan to tackle an unprecedented rise of illegal foreigners, which if not watched, might spread into Texan cities. Governor Abbot holds to the fact that "Texans cannot continue to shoulder the burdens imposed by open-border advocates in other parts of the country."

Since the beginning of Biden's administration, there has been a surge in the number of migrants moving into the U.S. via the southern border. The U.S. Border Patrol is approaching a record 2 million arrests in the fiscal year 2022. Statistics produced by CBS, a partner of BBC in the United States shows that as of September 16 Arizona and Florida had transported about 300 buses with a capacity of about 13,000 aliens to Chicago, New York, and Washington DC. The majority of these immigrants were from Texas, where $12 million was utilized to fund the trips. Arizona's allocation towards this is approximately $4 million. The State of Florida legislature has set aside $12 million for migrant relocation.

Even though there are opponents who are preparing to challenge this move legally, currently they might not have grounds on which to file their case. Leaders such as Lori Lightfoot, Chicago Mayor, have claimed that the migrants are being lured into accepting relocation through mischief. Others are even comparing this initiative to people smuggling and kidnapping. However, the fact is that the migrants are willing to move out voluntarily, including in the case of Texas, where they signed a voluntary waiver. There is also no evidence that migrants have been coerced into getting on planes and buses. According to U.S. media reports, after arriving in Martha's Vineyard, a number of the migrants stated that they were assured of assistance, expedited paperwork, and even jobs. They also seem to be happy being in the wealthy enclave. Furthermore, what the states are doing is not new; the federal government has been involved in the transportation of detained migrants around the nation for years. Also, the Department of Health and Human Services – legally mandated with the responsibility of caring for migrant children, who cross the border unaccompanied, transports the minors without their parents, even on charter planes, to various locations to put them in a home or release them to other sponsors or relatives. Immigrants captured along the United States' southern border are transported by ICE to detention centers as well as other border regions to prevent overcrowding in detention facilities. Sometimes, officials from Federal Immigration transport migrants by plane to various parts of the southern border. Therefore, the states should be free to implement this initiative.

Something worth noting concerning this program is that the majority of migrants are willing to move. And even without the initiative, many migrant workers would have finally moved out of Texas as well as other states controlled by Republicans. A migration and border expert, Adam Isacson, states, "You've heard of migrants coming to all these cities in huge numbers in the past, but they always paid for it themselves." "You've always had tens of thousands of migrants coming to New York City from the border, for example."

Again, the migrants know where they are heading; it’s not that they are being transported blindly. As long as the relocation is voluntary and it follows the right legal procedures, then it should be permitted.

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