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Florida State Issue

Should Florida re-evaluate it’s #unemployment benefits?

Florida is among several states that cut back on unemployment assistance, paying lower benefits for less time to laid-off workers. Florida also tightened the eligibility for the benefits. For instance, laid-off workers must fill out extensive forms and verify weekly job searches online. 

The taxes employers in Florida pay to fund unemployment benefits are the lowest permitted under federal law. Florida’s program has been renamed ‘Reemployment Assistance’ to get people off benefits and back to work. (Displaced employees received extra relief under the CARES Act.)

For the many Americans who lost their jobs, unemployment benefits may be indispensable in covering bills and other necessities. The available federal unemployment benefits in the state of Florida include:

The CARES Act Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) may provide 13 weeks additional benefits to those who have already exhausted their state’s regular benefits. 

Those extended benefits may be followed by extra weeks of federally funded unemployment benefits in states with high unemployment rates, adding up to 59 potential weeks of unemployment benefits. 

Overall, some find the provided relief sufficient, while others call for more robust support. The question for debate is: should Florida reevaluate its unemployment benefits?

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