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Florida State Issue

Should Florida Take a Harsher Stance on #PriceGouging In Times of a Crisis?

In times of crisis, there is always an increase in the demand for certain products, usually food items or other commodities that are necessary for survival. During such times, vendors have been known to hike the prices of various necessities to take advantage of market demand.

This can make it difficult for many, especially those struggling financially, to acquire the products they need to survive. Florida has taken steps to keep price gouging in check. That said, many wonder if the current measures are effective enough or if there is more that can be done.

Those in favor of stricter measures argue that price gouging is morally wrong and that more severe consequences must be implemented for those who intend to capitalize on the struggle of others during times of crisis. They view price-gouging as a moral failure that should be severely punished.

Those in opposition to tightening measures even further claim that too much legal interference in the market is restrictive and is limiting their freedom to sell their goods and services at what they feel are appropriate prices. They feel it is a slippery slope that may lead to too much government control of the market. 

The question for debate is, should Florida take a harsher stance on price-gouging in times of crisis?

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