When trying to adopt a child, many same-sex couples face problem due to the absence of legal laws articulating a right to adopt. Currently, about 4% of the adopted children and 3% of foster children are raised by same-sex couples. Various legal actions have enabled millions of LGBTQ couples to adopt children and become parents. However, some states have introduced legislation which permits private adoption firms to discriminate based on sexual orientation. Supporters believe that same-sex couples should have all the rights and privileges as hetrosexual couples. They stand by research that children raised by a same-sex couple suffer no ill effects, and that they have the same potential to be successful in life. Opponents feel that legal protection articulating a right to adopt will infringe on religious freedoms, as many groups cite religious beliefs that prevent a same-sex couple from adopting. So the question for the debate is, should #gay couples have the same #adoption rights as heterosexual couples?
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