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Massachusetts State Issue

Should #gaymarriage remain legal in Massachusetts? 

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"Gay marriages should never be legal" Jul 03, 2024

The dispute around legalizing #gaymarriage is not new and the world has been debating it for ages. However, it is not rational to legalize something solely because people demand it. A decision should be backed by scientific data and proper research, particularly if it directly impacts the cultural and family structure of a nation.

The first state to legalize marriage in the United States was Massachusetts. Multiple public polls were carried out across the country on whether it should be legalized or not. A Gallup poll released in May 2004 showed since December 2003, support for gay marriage had grown from 31% to 42%, while the number of those against it fell from 65% to 55%. But what can be concluded from a poll? After all, it's not science, it’s just a bunch of opinions supporting one side of the story without solid data.

The stigma around gay marriage is more powerful than the issue itself. Massachusetts' liberal residents are in support of gay marriage and automatically believe that if someone is against it then they are an inhumane, homophobic hate-monger. If it is truly about freedom, an open discussion about gay marriage should not be controversial. There are substantial reasons that gay marriage should not be legalized.

The fundamental point that gay marriage supporters raise is that people are born gay, and there is a gene that determines sexuality. According to a new study, "nearly half a million genomes reveal five DNA markers associated with sexual behaviour — but none with the power to predict the sexuality of an individual," so this old argument is now null and void. If it's all about equal rights and everyone should be allowed to marry anyone they desire, do all people have equal rights to marry? Many states have laws that regulate marriages, barring incestuous marriages,  and marriages to animals and objects. Should these marriages be legalized too? Every sane minded person would say absolutely not.

Same-sex couples cannot procreate naturally, and even if they chose to become parents through adoption, several studies prove that a mother and father play a crucial role in the upbringing of a child. Lesbian couples can have a child through artificial insemination, but losing a biological father even before knowing them is something no child wishes. 

As the laws of nature are against homosexual marriages, we, as a developed society, should not accept gay marriage as a norm.

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