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Alabama State Issue

Should #gendertherapies be banned for minors?

In February of 2020, the Alabama Senate passed a highly debated bill, one that bans gender therapies to minors. The bill considers it a Class C crime to make a minor participate in gender correction therapy. Under this, a person can be imprisoned up to 10 years for endorsing, prescribing, or supplying opposite sex hormones. It would likewise disallow medical procedures that change a minor's sex. 

The bill is known as The Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act and is supported by Rep. Wes Allen and Sen. Shay Shelnutt. The proponents of the bill claim that the current science of gender issues is unclear, and the use of certain drugs and hormone boosters could harm young individuals.

Many transgender advocates have emotionally shared their life stories with lawmakers and claimed that gender dysphoria is a real psychological condition that can be life-threatening to different trans individuals. Yet, lawmakers contend that minors who battle with their gender identity ought to get emotional wellness advising or counseling rather than prescriptions or medical procedures that cause physical changes.

A few opponents also claimed that only parents should have the right to make the medical decisions for their trans children.

The question for debate is, should gender therapies be banned for minors?

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