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Local Los Angeles Issue

Should Los Angeles #Metro provide free transit?

The concept of living in Los Angeles evokes similar imagery for many people: beautiful palm trees, people roller skating along the coast and seeing movie stars out about town. And traffic, lots and lots of traffic. 

The Fareless System Initiative (FSI) was a project spearheaded by LA Metro as a means of helping with economic recovery attempts during pandemic-induced lockdowns. The program provided complimentary transportation to over one million individuals within the region, improving mobility and reducing the number of vehicles on the road, with the added benefit of increased air quality in the city. The program ended in January 2022, and many residents believe it should be permanently reinstated.

LA and the surrounding metropolitan area are well known for some of the worst traffic congestion in the nation. 2019's Urban Mobility Report estimated that LA drivers spent an average of 119 extra hours in their commutes each year. Some people are calling for permanent steps to promote the accessibility of LA Metro transportation systems. 

Those in favor of continuing the program believe it's necessary to provide mobility for low-income workers and their families, who might otherwise be unable to access adequate education, employment, and other essential resources. These supporters believe that transportation is a fundamental right that should be provided to all citizens. They also cite the added benefits of reduced road congestion and the subsequent reduction in CO2 emissions. 

Those who oppose a fareless transportation initiative raise questions regarding the program's cost, and they wonder how LA Metro plans to make up the lost revenue from fare collection. Several people on this side of the debate have concerns regarding LA Metro's ability to ensure safety and security for their riders if everyone is permitted to board the buses unchecked. 

The question up for debate: Should LA Metro provide free transit?

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