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Louisiana State Issue

Should Louisiana Be Spending More On Businesses Or K-12 #Education To Boost The Economy?

When it comes to economic growth, Louisiana is struggling. With the 47th lowest percentage of jobs in the high-tech industry, Louisiana’s economic growth has been slower than most other states. It has trailed well behind the national average. 

The state faces a choice between investing in businesses and education programming, with more funding for businesses having the potential to reap the obvious fiscal rewards, whereas utilizing spending on K-12 education may provide a better long-term investment for the state’s citizens.

The EAP program assists start-ups and is funded by BRF and the U.S. Economic Development Administration. EAP’s startup services include modeling, financial and market analysis, and other coaching programs.

Meanwhile, K-12 public schools received $140 million in state dollars for the 2019-2020 school year, primarily tied to statewide pay raises for teachers and support workers.

The debatable question is, should Louisiana be spending more on businesses or K-12 education to boost the economy?

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