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Should #marijuana be legalized federally for recreational purposes?

While there are many states that have now legalized the use of marijuana for recreational purposes, the debate continues across America, and has thrown up several questions. Will legalization prove beneficial or counterproductive in the long run?

People that support federal legalization point out that it could help local governments raise tax money that can be used to build public infrastructure. Also, decriminalizing it would take the pressure off the the jail system, as well as police who could instead divert their time and resources investigating more serious crimes. Drug peddlers would lose their stream of illegal revenue, and marijuana smokers would be at less risk of consuming weed mixed with toxic ingredients.

Others argue that having marijuana be illegal is a natural deterrent for people hesitant to break the law. They state marijuana should be illegal as altered perception after consumption can impair motor skills, and trigger fatal vehicle crashes. Also, increased heart rate and cardiac arrhythmia have been observed in users, as well as irritability and anxiety with users in withdrawal. Addiction specialists also fear that marijuana could be the gateway to harder drugs like cocaine and heroin. 

The question for debate, should marijuana be legalized federally for recreational purposes?

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