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North Carolina State Issue

Should #medicaid not be expanded in North Carolina?

Medicaid is a healthcare insurance program for seniors and low income Americans. In June of 2022 passed a bill to begin a study to decide what should be included in the Medicaid expansion for North Carolina.

It's estimated that about 624,000 people would be covered under the planned expansion to Medicaid. However, the Republican-led state legislature was uninterested, arguing that it would be too expensive in the long-run, and would put too much stress on the state government's finances.

Republicans are concerned that the federal government would cut their funding, as currently 90% of funds that go towards expanded coverage are matched, and leave most of it up to the state. 

This concern was quickly dismissed by those on the left, since 38 states expanded coverage with continued support from the federal government. Proponents of Medicaid expansion said it would be wise to expedite the process, with good reason.

The question for debate: Should North Carolina not expand #medicaid?

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