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North Carolina State Issue

Should #medicaid not be expanded in North Carolina?

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"For the good of NC citizens, expand medicaid today" Jul 05, 2024

Republicans in the state legislature were up in arms about plans in North Carolina to expand Medicaid, which resulted in a standstill over the state budget.

Republicans stated a familiar argument against long term costs associated with the expansion of #Medicaid. Rising costs of healthcare across the board were cited, and used as an excuse to restrict healthcare for millions of Americans. No alternatives or compromises were proposed.

Members of the Republican-led house stated that they feared the federal government would chip in less, placing the burden on the state. In the Medicaid program, the government matched 90% of funds spent covering the expanded cost of healthcare. This fear was unfounded, as 36 states and the District of Columbia expanded Medicaid with no issue.

Conservatives were hesitant about the cost, stating that it was not economically feasible. However, a report by the Cone Health Foundation found that Medicaid expansion in the state of North Carolina would create 24,400 jobs by the end of 2022.

Public polling showed that Medicaid expansion among North Carolinians is popular. A poll  found that the majority of North Carolinians supported expanding coverage. A majority of North Carolinian Republicans supported expansion, so what was the delay for? Many Midwestern states had already expanded Medicaid including Kansas, Utah, and Idaho.

There should be no delay in expanding coverage. Healthcare is not a luxury; it is a right. Every American deserves to be covered by medical insurance and playing politics with people's lives is unethical and dangerous.

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