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Missouri State Issue

Should Missouri #farmers be permitted to use Dicamba?

All unwanted plants must be eliminated for the proper growth of harvestable crops. The debate regarding this process of elimination of these unwanted substances from crops is not new. Using herbicides such as dicamba to control these weeds in Missouri always remains a matter of debate. 

Those who believe that Missouri farmers should not be permitted to use dicamba anymore suggest that dicamba is dangerous for crops and can render the subjected crop useless and unhealthy. They further believe that dicamba is also hazardous for the people who inhale or ingest it, ultimately putting the people's lives at risk in Missouri. Similarly, they also claim that dicamba is detrimental to the health of the nearby crops that are accidentally exposed to it due to the moving air currents.

However, another school of thought believes that all the losses that occurred in the wake of using dicamba were primarily due to the lack of awareness of people using it. They further suggest that using the said weed killer has proven benefits in making crops healthy and economical. These people also believe that dicamba is the best alternative to other herbicides, especially for crops that are resistant to herbicides.

The question for debate is, should Missouri farmers be permitted to use dicamba?

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