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Local Nashville Issue

Should Nashville’s #CommunityOversightBoard have the authority to investigate #police department activities?

How much authority, if any, should civilians be given over police? This question is at the heart of debates regarding Nashville's Community Oversight Board (COB), which announced that they are searching for three new members

The COB is a group of citizens tasked with observing and evaluating the actions of the Metro Nashville Police Department (#MNPD). The two groups agreed in January 2020 regarding the level of authority the watchdog group would have over the police department. 

The COB was originally created in response to a 2018 referendum passed by Nashville voters. The COB investigates allegations of police misconduct, which requires access to confidential police records and crime scenes, among other things. It continues to be the subject of much debate regarding the role citizens should play in policing the police force. 

On February 6, 2020, the MNPD issued a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating their intent to cooperate with COB investigations "to accomplish the mutual goals of effective and efficient investigative processes of the [Community Oversight] Board and the [Metro Nashville Police] Department." While state laws limit COBs' power, they can recommend policy changes or disciplinary actions against police officers.

Supporters of the COB believe that citizens must make sure that Nashville police are upholding the law. Opponents believe that community members should not have authority over the actions of the MNPD.

The question up for debate is: Should Nashville's #CommunityOversightBoard have the authority to investigate the police department's activities?

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