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Local Nashville Issue

Should Nashville’s #CommunityOversightBoard have the authority to investigate #police department activities?

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"What makes #CivilianOversight necessary?" Jul 23, 2024

Nashville's Community Oversight Board was formed as an attempt to end what has been perceived as incidents of misconduct and abuse of power. They have made recommendations to the police department regarding the editing of body camera footage and related policies. 

It is their job to act in tandem with members of the Metro Nashville Police Department and look into any and all allegations of improper and unjust conduct of sworn officers of the law towards all members of the public. 

On paper and in theory, the purpose and actions of this body in relation to officers of the NMPD seems sound. Regardless of who a person is, or how high-ranking they're supposed to be, once they are in the service of the people, it is only right that they are and can be held accountable by the people.

The above is undoubtedly and unquestionably true. Yet, in order for true and accurate assessments to be made, the concept of accountability must be applied using the right perspective. The motive of the Nashville's Community Oversight Board may very well be genuine and in the interest of the masses. But how can they effectively do the job they're tasked with handling when they don't understand the actions, thoughts, and decision-making processes of members of the police force?

The larger percentage of members of the COB (Community Oversight Board) have little or no experience of understanding what it takes to be an officer of the law.

What's worse is the fact that the establishment and continued activity of bodies like COB continue to push the inappropriate actions of only a few bad officers into the public scene, and make it seem to be representative of what all police officers are like.

The truth remains that in scenarios like this, it's clear that it takes a lion to watch another lion. In reality, only someone who has walked the mile can truly know where things hurt and how to make it better.

A civilian oversight of police activity in Nashville is not only unnecessary, it can also be regarded as potentially dangerous, according to the National Police Association, because it can easily breed and promote misinformation to the public.

Officers of the law already sacrifice enough to their community and country without having people who do not understand the extent and context of criminal affairs complicating things further.

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