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Nevada State Issue

Should Nevada increase #educational funding to raise their national ranking?

Over the last decade, Nevada has become known for its deteriorating ranking for public education. In the past four years, Nevada ranked near the bottom in various national rankings of states' public education systems. Weak framework and limited accountability are key factors in a poor education system. 

Reforming the education system with additional funds has always been subjective. The administration believes that additional funds would fix all the problems in the education system, meanwhile, others think that the state is already spending enough to meet the requirements of students.

Nevada's K-12 education system ranked 35th in the country for academic achievement and has an overall score of D+ on an annual national report. Nevada improved from its 40th rank in 2018. 

On Education Week's Quality Counts 2019 report card Nevada received a score of 69.1 out of 100 for academic achievement. Nevada's overall score increased by 1.8% from 2018. Nevada also ranks 50th in household income, preschool enrollment, and parental education scores.

Nevada is one of the fastest-growing educational states, leaving behind Columbia and California. Nevada officials' target is to develop into the fastest improving state in the nation, as per the latest ranking in the Quality Counts report sheet.

After an increase in funding, Nevada showed improvements in all academic achievement reporting categories between 2003 and 2017, the years observed by the National Assessment of Educational Progress. Nevada's improvement includes higher achievement for years K-12. 

There was a substantial change in overall education in Nevada after increased funding was approved in the 2017 or 2019 legislative sessions. 

National assessment of educational progress revealed that the students scoring a three or above in Advanced Placement Tests and overall Grade Math proficiency increased during the years. 

Nevada officials believe that with recent funding and policy changes, they will continue to expand opportunities and improve outcomes across the state. However, they included that they are not convinced with the current standing that advancement of the education system is necessary at this point.

The question for debate is, should Nevada increase educational funding to raise its national ranking?

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