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Oklahoma State Issue

Should Oklahoma Amend Their #ConstitutionalCarry Gun Law to Require Permits in Order to Conceal Firearms?

Score for this "YES" opinion :
Score is TBD

"Why reasonable restrictions matter" Jun 21, 2024

Oklahoma amended its gun laws in November 2019 to allow for Constitutional Carry within the state. The adopted policy eases restrictions once in place to protect citizens and now allows anyone to conceal or openly carry a loaded firearm without training or vetting from the government. While some see this as a major win for gun lobbyists, there’s growing concern amongst those who view this as a wrong step taken just a little too far. 

Before passing House Bill 2597, Oklahoma residents who wished to carry a firearm in public spaces were required to apply for a Conceal and Carry Permit, a common sense restriction that most states in the USA have in place. The new law creates a free for all system in which gun handlers have the legal right to carry firearms in public spaces with zero accountability regarding training or the wherewithal to safely use them. 

The second amendment grants the right of citizens to own weapons within the country legally, and that’s absolutely something that should be protected under our constitution. 

Still, the government is responsible for ensuring that all citizens are protected. That’s why reasonable measures have been put in place to ensure the safest possible environment for all residents. Common sense gun laws exist to help make sure that people understand what happens when you use a gun. 

Guns are dangerous weapons. The split-second decision of whether or not to use your firearm in a public space requires a sense of responsibility that only comes from having been exposed to the information necessary for someone who undergoes CCW (Conceal Carry Permit) training. These courses, along with the subsequent testing and qualifying, are designed to help gun owners understand what they need to know to make sound decisions in moments of crisis. 

The argument is often made that a good guy with a gun is what stops a bad guy with a gun when police are moments away. If good guys with guns are justifying themselves in this way, as an extension of law enforcement, they also need to be willing to take on the responsibility of learning the necessary information that is paramount in carrying your firearm in public. 

It has been said that “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”, but the fact of the matter is that irresponsible, ill-equipped people with guns accidentally kill people more often than good guys with guns save people from being killed. Common sense solutions prevent these horrible accidents and ensure responsible gun ownership. 

Let’s work to find ways to protect everyone’s right to own and carry firearms in a way that is safe and responsible for everyone. Oklahoma needs to amend its Constitutional Carry policy so that residents have accountability with their guns.

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