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Pennsylvania State Issue

Should Pennsylvania ban the state mandated counseling designed to prevent #abortion?

There are many things to consider regarding abortion. The World Health Organization mandates safe procedures; in America, it is a legal, medical procedure. Some states don't require mandated counseling, which some object to. 

Like all medical providers, they are ethically bound to provide patients with unbiased information about options, process details, and any other knowledge that is deemed relevant after evaluating each patient's health needs and conditions. 

Providers must also obtain informed consent that the patient is undergoing this procedure voluntarily. Those who oppose state-mandated counseling say it provides inaccurate, biased, and misleading information to women to discourage abortion.   

Some argue that abortion is dangerous for women, citing that at least one in every six maternal deaths is attributed to unsafe abortions. They belive that abortion is associated with killing a baby with a right to life. 

Mandatory counseling and waiting period laws that require additional visits can increase extra financial costs, preventing many from seeking care in general. Delaying abortion procedures, with additional visits, mandatory counseling, etc., resulted in a 40% increase in second-trimester abortions. Some areas allow mandatory counseling to be delivered via the internet or telephone, lowering patient and provider costs.

There is a vast middle ground in the abortion discussion, and there is no one-size-fits-all solution. 

The question for debate is, should Pennsylvania ban state-mandated counseling designed to prevent abortions?

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