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Pennsylvania State Issue

Should Pennsylvania make the use of recreational #marijuana legal?

A disproportionate number of marijuana arrests are people of color. A recent survey shows that Black people account for 80% of marijuana arrests. Even though the legalization of marijuana can’t end the suffering of its minorities, it will mitigate targeting towards them in terms of marijuana arrests.

Pennsylvania has reported 400,000 job losses since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. The cannabis market promises $580 million in tax revenue, which would more than provide for the monetary help that the state seeks.

Marijuana legalization will still pose challenges for law enforcement. There can also be unforeseen consequences in terms of public safety and crime. There is a chance that increased access will trigger a spike in marijuana addiction in youths. 

Another reason marijuana legalization is not processed to date is because of the modification driving laws will have to undergo. Should a person be allowed to drive after using marijuana, and if not, how will law enforcement regulate its use?

The question for debate is, should Pennsylvania make the use of recreational marijuana legal?

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