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Should Philadelphia's Society Hill neighborhood use #zoning rules that place limits on new construction?

Philadelphia's Society Hill neighborhood received approval in 2020 for zoning changes, including new height restrictions. The Society Hill neighborhood is bordered by the Delaware River and 8th Street, between Walnut and Lombard. The zoning changes set height limitations and stipulate that structures can not be built more than 45 feet tall in some parts of the neighborhood. 

These changes also limit the number of houses that could be constructed there, reducing opportunities for building diverse income units. There is also an increase in parking lots needed for new development. Several city planning staff and residents voiced their disapproval early on. 

Mayor Jim Kennedy vetoed the zoning changes in 2019, saying that these measures "may inhibit creation of new affordable housing units on blocks that are very transit-oriented, accessible to jobs and amenities, and designed for multiple units." The bill was then passed unanimously by the city council in September 2020.

Supporters of the zoning restrictions say they safeguard the Society Hill neighborhood's historical value. Many homes have been around for several decades, if not centuries, and many residents want to implement plans to ensure the neighborhood retains its historical significance. Opponents of the zoning changes say that this will prevent any affordable, multi-family housing that could have been developed in the neighborhood, effectively preserving the area's historic character by preserving its wealthy and predominantly white population.

The question up for debate: Should Philadelphia's Society Hill neighborhood use #zoning rules that place limits on new construction?

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