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Local Phoenix Issue

Should Phoenix have changed street names that were considered by some to be #offensive and #racist?

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"Phoenix ignores resident input in renaming streets" Jul 26, 2024

The decision to change street names doesn't sit well with a lot of residents. The proposed changes impact #homeowners on the affected streets. Any changes should first take into consideration the sentiments of the general public, of which the City Council has done a poor job. 

A major issue with assigning new street names is the change of addresses. From driver’s licenses to bank accounts, online shopping, and mail delivery, residents were being forced to make a lot of changes. It’s a time consuming process, a concern the decision makers don't care to acknowledge according to the locals. 

The costs attached to changes such as these also worries home and business owners. Changing letterheads and business cards as well as creating new advertisements will have a financial impact. The council has acknowledged these costs and agreed to pay the expenses, but it will still take time to distribute said payments, which is a plan that should have been made before announcing these changes. 

It should also be noted this was a unilateral decision made by the council, excluding input from the city’s residents. As of 2017, when the street renaming policy was amended, the city no longer requires permission of property owners. The previously community-driven process is now entirely up to the Council's discretion, which raises the question of due process. Public outreach is supposed to be an important part of any major decision making process. 

There are also questions as to how far this trend of renaming streets would go. The problem here is that U.S. history isn't monolithic. Many people who were deemed heroes in the past might be flawed according to modern progressive standards. Even U.S presidents like Thomas Jefferson and George Washington were not always progressive in their ideas about race and slavery. Innumerable streets throughout the country are named after these historical figures that built our country. The truth is that they all had their flaws but are still heroes to many. The administration can't go around changing all those names according to the aspirations of the radical Left. 

The offensive nature of a particular name is completely subjective. In that light, the entire practice seems like a waste of time. It's a waste of taxpayer dollars and amounts to political pandering. The City Council will be well advised to stop obsessing over street names, and find legislative reforms that pave the way for true equality. Removing legal obstacles in achieving equality will do more for underprivileged individuals than simply changing street names and creating new problems for the locals.

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