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Should #sanctuary cities for #immigration be allowed in the U.S.?

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"States Exercise Power Through #Sanctuary Cities" Jun 15, 2024

Sanctuary cities are good immigration policy because they give states and local governments the ability to legislate in a way that they see fit. Local and state areas are those that are most impacted by the presence of illegal immigrants, they affect jobs, taxes, crime, housing, and more. As such, local and state authorities deserve the right to protect the people contained within their area. 

Under the tenth amendment to the constitution, the separation of federal and state powers ensures that the federal government cannot coerce state or local governments into using their powers to enforce federal laws. 

Local municipalities know best how undocumented immigrants impact local communities and economies. Local and state officials are able to make the determination not to use valuable resources to implement policies they feel are unjust. 

Shear numbers provide evidence that sanctuary cities work. With over 600 areas deeming themselves as “sanctuary” jurisdictions, there is evidence in numbers that these locations are effective. 

One of the main benefits of sanctuary cities is that they encourage participation from undocumented immigrants in communities. With the assurance of protection in sanctuary cities, immigrants are more likely to report crimes. Even more so, Latino citizens are also more likely to report crimes because they don’t have to fear being asked about their immigration status (weather they are documented or not). 

Many supporters of sanctuary cities argue that they are good for everyone because of the importance of having communities that support each other. According to the founder and CEO of Define America, “A community that promises to protect all of its members thrives…” 

Community support of it’s community members strengthens the community as a whole and benefits everyone living in the area. Because of the benefit of a supportive community, local and state municipalities should make the determination to be sanctuary cities and protect illegal immigrants that are serving as positive members of society.

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