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South Carolina State Issue

Should SC’s Heartbeat Bill, which prohibits #abortion following a fertilized embryo’s first heartbeat, be supported?

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"We should all be #prolife" Jun 30, 2024

Right-wing conservatives and religious groups have actively endorsed a stance on anti-abortion and the right to life for years. In recent years, the debate has gained more and more traction with many states moving towards an #abortion ban for pregnancies beyond six weeks through the various legislation, including most recently the Heartbeat Bill in South Carolina.

The American Gallup survey of 2020 indicated that 46% of the population in the United States considers themselves to be Pro-life. A 2019 article story reports that South Carolina is witnessing lower numbers in abortion cases, attributing the change to an increasing awareness about the pro-life stance, legislations around abortion, and enhanced efforts from pregnancy care centers. The presence of pro-life counselors in clinics has also been an effective strategy in reducing the abortion numbers since they provide pregnant mothers with alternate and viable options, one of which includes adoption.

South Carolina is the eleventh state to pass such an abortion ban, while states like New York are counteracting with aggressive approaches by legalizing abortion of a fetus up until its birth, which is an alarming precedence. Pro-life stakeholders question the legitimacy of such brutality since fetal pain is a reality that many choose to ignore. A 10-week old fetus is not a blob of cells as some may think, but a developing human with a developing brain, limbs, and eyes.

Pro-choice supporters paint abortion restrictions as a denial of women's health. However, the laws clearly make allowances in cases of a medical emergency with expert supervision. Additionally, the much-debated bill prohibits abortion with an exception for cases of pregnancies caused by rape and incest. With this in mind, the debate that pro-life stances reduce women to reproductive carriers is highly inflammatory and biased. 

The Heartbeat Bill aims to advocate the rights of the unborn fetus with few legitimate and necessary exceptions. There are better ways to avoid unwanted pregnancies, which includes awareness of birth control options, family planning, and adoption. Additionally, the ramifications of going through an abortion in terms of psychological dilemma often go unreported, resulting in post-traumatic stress, depression, anxiety, guilt, and somatic symptoms. Initiatives like ‘Project Rachel’ allow women to come forward with their post-abortion grief in a safe space.

How can anyone not support the Heartbeat Bill?

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