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Local Seattle Issue

Should Seattle #police have power to bypass #FreedomOfThePress to obtain material for police investigations? 

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"Maintain the freedom of the press" Jun 26, 2024

The government shouldn’t be allowed to interfere in journalists’ activities. #FreedomOfThePress has been a cornerstone of American #democracy since the very beginning of the country. 

We live in a country founded by people who believed in freedom of speech, as evidenced by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, which specifically prohibits the government from making any laws "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." This means that everyone is allowed to have a voice, and law enforcement agencies do not have the right to limit or censor their ability to express their views... and this is especially important for members of the press.

Journalists frequently expose themselves to dangerous situations in the course of their careers, which is the reasoning behind the Journalist Protection Act that was proposed to Congress in July of 2021. While that legislation focuses on journalists' physical safety, they also have the right to be able to safely report their findings... or to keep them confidential if they decide not to report them for whatever reason. This is important so that journalists can keep reporting even in the most difficult conditions and record their observations. The news media would not be able to perform their jobs if they could be forced to work as informants for the police. 

Our freedom to express dissent is a defining characteristic of America. Mike Pence, former Vice President, advocated for a federal shield law to protect media agencies during his Congress years.

When the government starts to prosecute citizens utilizing the journalists’ reports and records, protesters may view the journalists as pawns of law enforcement. As a result, the press will find it difficult to work like they could before as they may become a target for the protesters. The #shield law limits the access of the government to the unpublished contents of the journalists. 40 states, including Washington, maintain this law. 

Despite the shield law, the government took action to gain access to the press’s unpublished material. While this action may make it easier for law enforcement to prosecute those who committed criminal activity, the press has a right and a responsibility to uphold the principles that have been followed for more than 200 years. The ACLU states on their website that "we will continue to work in the courts and Congress to ensure reporters can do their job and hold the government accountable without fear that either they or their sources will be arrested and prosecuted."

Could the press have provided evidence that could lead to the arrest of certain individuals? Possibly, but the law states that they cannot be forced to do so. The freedom of journalists is a practice that we have maintained for over two centuries. For the well-being of the country, the government cannot be permitted to interfere in matters concerning journalists.

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