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South Carolina State Issue

Should South Carolina remove #Confederate symbols and statues?

Monuments are symbols of reverence and a visible link to a nation’s past. It is a show of respect towards those who have shaped the course of a country. Monuments are an ancient custom to highlight the significant endeavors of great men and women. They aerve as a reminder of achievements, glory, and honor, which can bind a nation together in unity. 

However, in the United States, monuments are now deepening divides among the populaces. Tension brewed over the presence and erection of statues of people who have practiced promoting slavery and eventually fought to protect slavery during the Civil War. Those in favor of such monuments and those opposed have recently clashed over the presence of such tributes with some events resulting in violence. 

The public discussion surrounding the presence of the monuments is pressing. The pro-statue group believes that removing historical monuments is great crime upon a nation’s heritage. “Tidying up” a nation’s history of an imperfect past would deprive the current and future generation of learning its lessons.

Some believe that “A nation that forgets its past has no future.” A nation will not learn from history if historians edit out the errors made by previous society leaders. 

On the other hand, those who are against these statues argue that monuments and statues are reserved for people of exemplary values. Allowing statues to be built for slave owner generals of the Confederacy may misrepresent history and glorify people not worthy of praise. These unwanted repercussions may send mixed messages to youths, perpetuating the very evil this country has fought to end. Some statues and monuments could be seen as glorifying the abominable history of slavery in the U.S. and serve as a painful reminder of the disturbing treatment of Black people in the past which are still felt today. 

The question for debate, should South Carolina remove Confederate symbols and statues?

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