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Oregon State Issue

Should state #borders be redrawn so that the more rural counties of Oregon become part of Idaho?

Some rural Oregon counties are pushing to have state boundaries redrawn so that they become part of Idaho. These counties believe that Oregon no longer understands the needs of the rural counties.

Mike McCarter, the spokesman for Move Oregon’s Border, a group pushing the effort, told Oregon Public Radio that “Greater Idaho” is “a movement to try to maintain our rural values.” The main argument he made to substantiate his stance is that liberal urban areas increasingly rule Oregon, and rural aspirations are ignored in the state. 

Those who support the joining of Idaho believe they have more similarities with Idaho than Oregon. For instance, they have similar agriculture products, similar timber industries, similar conservative values, and similar political aspirations.

However, implementing this process is difficult, as it requires the approval of Oregan and Idaho legislators and the U.S Congress. According to The Oregonian. “Any potential change would ultimately have to be approved at the state legislative level and then later by the U.S. Congress.”

The last time a border change such as this occurred was in 2017 when 19 homes were relocated across the border between South and North Carolina. Only time will tell if the counties of Oregon will be able to meet their aspirations of joining Idaho.

The question for debate is, should state borders be redrawn so that the more rural counties of Oregon become part of Idaho?

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