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West Virginia State Issue

Should teacher #strikes in West Virginia be illegal?

In 2021, West Virginia prohibited teachers from going on strike. Plans for this bill were started after a 2018 teacher strike that shut down schools for almost two weeks. The strike followed the passing of the Student Success Act and a provision that allowed charter schools to operate within the state. Over 35,000 public school staff participated in the strike to advocate for better wages, more accessible healthcare, and funding for schools. 

Those who favor the bill believe that the state is doing its part to fix the education system and worry that strikes hinder growth and change. The new legislation allows county schools to fire teachers who engage in strikes. 

People who oppose potential legislation argue that strikes are practical tools in advocacy for unions, and making them illegal would take the voices away from educators within the state. They fear the law could be misused to unfairly target staff within the state. 

The question for debate is, should teacher strikes in West Virginia be illegal?

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