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Should the Atlanta City Council consider #publicopinion when awarding #bids to contractors?

Atlanta City Council is responsible for evaluating contractor bids and determining which ones will receive the city’s business. This requires extensive focus on proposal documents and related facts. However, some people question whether public opinion should also be included in the review process.

An example of the potential impact of public sentiment can be found in the proposal process for a nine-year contract worth $25 million to manage five public tennis facilities in Atlanta. Universal and Agape were competing for the bid, and in 2019 Agape won. However, a groundswell of public support to keep Universal prompted the city to rebid the contract in 2020. In December 2020, the Atlanta City Council voted again to reject the recommendation that Agape Tennis Academy take over the management of five public tennis facilities. 

Some believe that procurement procedures are already outlined and articulated in a way that creates the most effective and streamlined decision making process for the city council. Others say that public sentiment should have an influence on the way contracts are awarded, as the citizens are the ones who will have to live with–and pay for–the results.

The question up for debate: Should the Atlanta City Council consider #publicopinion when awarding #bids to contractors?

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