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Local Phoenix Issue

Should the city of Phoenix be allowed to repurpose #farmland to provide for city resources?

Phoenix is one of the fastest-growing cities in America, and naturally, urban sprawl will take over some of the surrounding areas. What most people probably don't realize, however, is just how much land is being taken away from farms. In 2019 alone, Maricopa County "lost over 200 acres of prime farmland from small-medium local growers due to urban sprawl and development growth."

Only some of the farms are being turned into suburbs. Some are being used for water treatment and distribution facilities, which will be needed due to the surge in population. According to the US Department of Agriculture, low-density rural areas are at 23 times greater risk of being urbanized than other types of agricultural land.

Selling farmland to be repurposed for other uses makes it much more difficult for farmers to continue growing fruits, vegetables, and meat or dairy animals. This is a blow to area residents and more giant corporations that need to purchase food. Grocery prices have skyrocketed in recent years, food banks are facing higher demands than ever, and many experts say that a food shortage is on the horizon. Turning farmland into housing or wastewater treatment sites makes the problem even greater.

Some say that the city of Phoenix should have the right to decide how land is used in and around their locale, and farmers will need to find a way to adjust to working with a smaller amount of land than they are accustomed to. 

They point out that a wide variety of crops can be grown, and some need less land than others, making them a wiser choice for agriculture. Others believe that Phoenix is acting outside of its rightful authority by taking over farms that are needed in order to stave off potential food shortages and feed a growing population. They maintain that many cities already exist where people can live, and Phoenix is responsible for protecting our nation's farmers.

The question up for debate: Should the city of Phoenix be allowed to repurpose #farmland to provide for city resources?

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