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Local Nashville Issue

Should the #ConfederateFlag be removed from the Williamson County seal?

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"It’s past time to burn the flag" Aug 30, 2024

It’s finally beginning to dawn on some leaders in Williamson County, Tennessee, that after displaying a symbol of racial hatred on their official seal for 52 years, perhaps it’s not such a good thing. In September 2020, the board voted 16-7 to approve a resolution recommending removal of a Confederate battle flag from the county seal

Thousands of petitioners have been calling for the flag’s removal from the seal. The task force unanimously concluded that keeping the flag would negatively affect the county’s ability to attract businesses, workers, residents and visitors to the area. In the face of losing millions of dollars, it was estimated to cost the county only $123,000 to remove and replace the seal from all county properties. It should be noted that the Board of Commissioners vote was not unanimous.

Williamson County has received permission from the Tennessee Historic Commission to make the changes. It’s time for Tennessee to cut through the red tape and quickly dismantle symbols that suggest pride in a racist past.

Citizens across all racial and ethnic groups worldwide will no longer tolerate the celebration of a Civil War legacy that promotes violence against, and oppression of black people. It’s time to let go of the outdated notion that the confederate flag is anything other than a symbol of the racial divide in our country.

We need to finally seal the deal on this issue once and for all, and anyone standing in opposition needs to be removed from office. Then, Williamson County can begin to move forward as a place for all to prosper.

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