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Should the #DeathPenalty be abolished nationally?

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"Death penalty option is justified and needed" May 10, 2024

The death penalty has been used to balance #justice throughout history. Countries worldwide, including the U.S., use the death penalty as a punishment for the most violent crimes.

In those horrible extreme cases, the death penalty is the only way to be 100 percent assured that a killer would not kill again. There are countless cases in which criminals sentenced to a lifetime prison were involved in murders in and outside of prison. The punishment of a lifetime prison didn’t stop them from killing again. Therefore, it is clear that the only way of getting rid of this threat is sentencing the murderer to death.

The death penalty helps maintain justice, as it is clear that the life of the innocent should be valued more than the life of the killer. The person who has been killed without any crime, been deprived of life's happiness, and taken from his/her beloved ones, should receive justice by their murderer receiving the death penalty.

Murderers who receive just lifetime prison penalties are still able to read, write, paint, etc. They can make friends and associate with their families, while the person or people they have killed can't do any of that. The death penalty as it is used in many states is a humane and painless killing, and ensures that the punishment for the crime fits the crime that was committed. 

Most Americans are satisfied by legal execution as the punishment for the extremely heinous murders. This is the only way in which justice can prevail, and preventing future potential killers from taking a life. Also, countries that assign the death penalty for murder have less ratio of murders compared to countries that have abolished the death penalty.

The U.S. should keep the death penalty, it is the most justified option when dealing with the most evil people that have committed evil deeds. 

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