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Should the federal #MinimumWage in the U.S. be increased?

#MinimumWage is a rule, established by the Fair Labor Standards Act (#FLSA), which dictates the lowest hourly pay an employer can pay his employees. The current federal minimum wage is $7.25. The federal minimum wage applies to non-exempt employees (employees paid on hourly basis).

Increasing the minimum wage would increase employees’ salaries and the family income of most low-wage employees, further reducing families that fall under the poverty level. However, raising the federal minimum wage could lead to other low-income earners becoming jobless as a result.

Supporters of increasing the minimum wage say that the current federal minimum wage is too low to support someone’s needs, including food, housing, and so forth. They claim that increasing the minimum wage will help create employment opportunities and grow the economy. The assign the deteriorating worth of the minimum wage as one of the main causes of wage inequality between low- and middle-income earners.

Opponents state that numerous businesses are not in a position to pay their employees more and will be forced to shut down, lay off employees, or reduce hiring. They also state that wage increases make it harder for workers with little or no work experience to find jobs or become increasingly mobile. They also believe that increasing the minimum wage does not consider regional cost-of-living differences where raising the minimum wage could hurt low-income communities.

The question for debate is, should the federal minimum wage in the U.S. be increased?

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