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Should the government continue to fund #PlannedParenthood?

The Planned Parenthood Federation of America is an American organization founded in 1942. Since then, it has acted as an advocate for personal liberties and education in reproductive health care, family planning, and birth control. Planned parenthood clinics offer a range of services such as abortion, sex education, parental care, infertility services, vaccinations, cancer screenings, and sexually transmitted diseases. It provides services to mostly low-income and rural patients.  

Several states are stepping up funding for Planned Parenthood clinics across the country. States such as Hawaii and Massachusetts have already started providing new funding, while other states proposed setting aside money in state budgets to caution the effects of the national provider's fallout with the former Trump administration.

Opponents of Planned Parenthood funding arguing that Planned Parenthood does not require taxpayer money. Critics also say that funding Planned Parenthood is “purely a political act.”

On the other hand, those supporting the government funding Planned Parenthood insist that it should not stop. They argue that Planned Parenthood ensures that women have access to necessary health services. Planned Parenthood receives about $60 million annually through the federal program called Title X. They say that the funds have enabled them to provide services to more than 1.5 million low-income women.

Anti-abortion crusaders have accused governors of providing funds to gain favor with an organization that usually drum support for Democrats during election times. They claim that by funding Planned Parenthood, the government is endorsing abortion and misuse of taxpayers’ money. 

The question for debate, should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?

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