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Should the government continue to fund #PlannedParenthood?

Score for this "No" opinion : 7.67

"Funding abortion in the name of Planned Parenthood" Jul 20, 2024

If a whopping $553 million from the #tax money is being used to fund #abortion, disguised under the provision of healthcare, it’s about time we get our priorities straight. We should redirect those funds into platforms that are involved in providing actual healthcare services needed by majority of our women. Is our COVID19 damaged economy on the onset of recession in a financial and ethical position to fund an organization whose entire business model is centered on abortion?

If this organization actually provided what it stands for i.e. “Planned” “Parenthood”, implying better sex education to couples, safe options of contraception before conception, prenatal care, and other services associated with reproductive healthcare, then it would have deserved the tax money that goes into its pocket every year. It seems like for them, planned parenthood is all about abortion, which is why they have become more of an abortion clinic and less of a holistic provider and supporter of reproductive health. 

Even through the federal government does not provide funding to Planned Parenthood directly for abortion, the amount of $430 million that goes from the government to Planned Parenthood aids them in keeping their operations running such as staffing the call centers, facility support, and even marketing their business. As this money comes from the tax-payers, the Planned Parenthood is open to marketing their “abortion” services to a large population. In this way, the hard earned tax money of our people is running the largest abortion chain of the nation in disguise. Instead of preventive care, Planned Parenthood is more focused on endorsing abortions. They have reduced their cancer screening to almost half (whereas the threat of breast cancer continues to be one of the biggest healthcare concerns of Women of all ages). Even the number of adoption referral and prenatal services provided by them in recent years is just a fraction of the abortion services that they provide all year round.

The belief that defunding Planned Parenthood would reduce the funding of the federal government towards contraception and other healthcare services is simply not true. Besides, Planned Parenthood is an independent entity, and a downright wealthy one, with net assets worth over a billion dollars and revenue exceeding their expenses. 

The very reason why Planned Parenthood was provided funding from taxpayer’s money was because it was believed to protect the health of the women by providing them informed education and access to safe contraceptive measures. However, what this organization has turned into is no longer safe for young girls and women. Recently, Lila Rose’s live action show released an undercover footage of employees of Planned Parenthood willing to aid in sex trafficking of girls; even minors! The release of this footage led to some drastic measures taken on the part of Planned Parenthood such as providing training sessions to their employees, but are these training on reporting requirements enough to guarantee the safety of our girls and women?

Simply put, I do not think any amount of the hard earned tax money should go into funding a glorified abortion center.

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