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Should the government continue to fund #PlannedParenthood?

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"Keep planned parenthood funded" Jul 25, 2024

The Trump administration and legislators at both the federal and state level had made plans to cut funding for Title X and Medicaid reimbursement to sexual and reproductive health care services providers that are predominantly #PlannedParenthood health centers. This move by the government will have negative implications on the healthcare system of the country. It puts vulnerable populations in danger.

It seems the main argument for defunding Planned Parenthood centers is to restrict access to abortion services; however, for the past 40 years, the Hyde Amendment has prohibited the use of federal funds for abortion services unless a woman's life is endangered or in cases of rape or incest.

The proposed defunding of Planned Parenthood to restrict access to abortion services without considering its immense benefit to the majority of the populace is short-sighted. Planned Parenthood health centers offer a variety of services ranging from affordable access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive healthcare services to primary healthcare services such as vaccination against influenza, hepatitis, and human papillomavirus. Not to mention assistance for stopping smoking, anemia testing, and screening for cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure, and breast cancer. If this program is defunded and these centers are closed down, it will eliminate the health care for many who rely on these services.

The proponents of this move argued that community health clinics (CHCs) would replace Planned Parenthood centers. But CHCs are presently overstretched, and it will take time for CHCs to adapt to the enlarged needs of the people; this will expose vulnerable people across various communities to danger. More so, Planned Parenthood clinics primarily offer sexual and reproductive health services, including administering contraceptives of various types and accurate sexual education. All these services are administered by highly skilled clinicians and counselors. If Planned Parenthood centers are shut down, the extinction of these services will lead to an increase in childbirth. An increase in population will lead to a corresponding increase in the work-load of CHCs and other healthcare providers in vulnerable communities across the nation.

Studies to ascertain the short and long-term impacts of the closure of Planned Parenthood centers have shown that the services offered by these centers cannot be catered for by CHCs in the short term. It will take a long time to expand facilities and hire personnel that will be needed by CHCs to bridge the gap caused by the closure of Planned Parenthood centers. The public health of the nation will be in great danger during this period while the CHC expands to meet the demand of the people. But will CHC be able to fully replicate the services of Planned Parenthood. I highly doubt it.

Nevertheless, the government should continue to fund Planned Parenthood because the services rendered are far more than abortion. Even then, abortion services are not paid for by federal dollars, so that should not even be a consideration when discussing its funding. All organizations in the health sector should lend their voices to the opposition of this decision to safeguard the public health of the nation.

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