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Should the government continue to fund #PlannedParenthood?

"Major negative financial impact if defunded" Jul 29, 2024

Healthcare for women has never been a priority for governments around the world. Millions of women suffer because of the politicization of issues like access to #PlannedParenthood. At a time when the government should start investing more in healthcare for women, it is considering taking a step back.

Medicaid has provided women with access to Planned Parenthood for a very long time. Many believe that funding comes from the taxpayers’ money, however it is actually in the form of reimbursements covered by the insurance policy.  The decision to defund this program will leave millions of women with no access to Planned Parenthood's healthcare services.

The majority of beneficiaries of this program are low-income women and belong to the rural population. They rely on public healthcare for their needs. Defunding the program will be chaotic for them. This program provides them with access to birth control, STD testing, pap smear, a many more women-specific services at virtually no cost. If we defund this organization, we are putting women at risk of STDs and unwanted pregnancies. Women should have access to these basic needs. It is not just about planning when to have children, but also it deals with many diseases that women might contract if they lose access to this program. Genital health is as important as any other organ system of the body. 

It is believed that this program provides contraceptive services to half of all women receiving public funding. Where would these women go if Planned Parenthood had to close their doors?

If we look into the long-term effects, defunding Medicaid can result in a net loss of $130 million for taxpayers in the next ten years due to unwanted pregnancies. The calls to defund Planned Parenthood are not looking at the big picture and long term impacts to our communities and our country. Keep the program supported to ensure basic needs of women are met.

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