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Maryland State Issue

Should the Maryland transportation budget be invested in mass #transit instead of improving older streets and highways?

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"Maryland should invest in mass transit" Jul 19, 2024

Maryland has a transportation vision that aims to achieve a well-maintained, multi-channel transportation system that enhances safety, convenience, affordability, and efficiency in the movement of people, services, and goods within the state. The state can quickly realize this vision by investing in modern transport infrastructure responsive to congestion and environmental degradation challenges.

For the state to achieve its vision, the transportation budget should provide more funds to the Maryland Transit Administration to initiate and implement mass transit projects. For instance, investing in clean commuter bus systems and intercity rails can make Maryland's transportation system more convenient, affordable, efficient, and better for everyone.

Maryland needs a transportation system that matches the needs and challenges we face in the 21st century. Although we are passionate about our cars due to their sense of freedom and mobility, we are also sensitive to the dangers that cars pose to our environment. For example, a study shows that more than two-thirds of millennials want to live where they don't need a vehicle for movement. 

And the trend for the older population is no different – they prefer efficient public transport systems. Therefore, it implies that people no longer value cars' luxury as it was in the 20th century. Alternatively, people nowadays are concerned about preserving the environment.

The impact of cars on climate change cannot be underscored, not only in Maryland and our nation but also across the world. Millennials are changing their transport preferences to match the present-day environmental challenges. We want alternatives to get to our work, worship centers, schools, hospitals, and other places conveniently and efficiently.

Maryland is known to have some of the worst traffic congestion in the country. Investing in older streets doesn't help to alleviate this problem. Instead, this will only create room for people to buy more cars and worsen the situation. To this end, Maryland's only logical way to mitigate the traffic challenge is to pump more resources into mass transit projects that could help move more people simultaneously. 

For example, improving buses and trains would attract more Marylanders to leave their cars at home and utilize either the nearest bus or train. More communities will collectively benefit from such infrastructural development, and we will benefit from fresher air, thus improving our environment for current and future generations.

Improving older street roads and highways is an old-fashioned approach to reducing city traffic jams. The fix is temporary because as the number of cars on the roads increases, more highway extensions will be needed. Additionally, more urban environment deterioration will create room for road and highway expansion. Marylanders would also pay the price as their houses and business would be demolished to pave the way for unnecessary infrastructure development.

Maryland should direct its transportation budget toward investment in mass transit systems and infrastructure. Mass transit is the way to go because it can decongest our cities and promote environmental conservation. 

Improving older street roads and highways is an old-fashioned method of solving the modern-day challenges that Marylanders face in transportation.

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