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Should the policy ensuring a "neutral" #internet be restored?

Obama Fan

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"Make the net neutral and unbiased" Aug 08, 2024

#NetNeutrality is a concept that makes sure an internet service provider (ISP) provides equal access to all sites and content at equal conditions to all consumers without blocking or preferencing any content or website. This principle helps bring a level-playing ground to all online competitors and businesses and also protects internet users from being denied certain content. This principle helps in creating a fair and unbiased internet for all. All consumers are provided the same quality of service by ISPs, and all websites can be accessed by everybody without one having an undue advantage over another.

The concept of net neutrality is not new and has been in existence for more than 20 years; the law backing the policy was repealed in 2018 by FCC Chairman Ajit Pai. In April 2019, the House of Representatives passed the Save the Internet Act, which will reverse the repeal, and codify the 2015 net neutrality rules into law; the Senate has introduced the same bill but has yet to pass it into law. The Senate needs to pass the Save the Internet act into law to ensure that the repealed net neutrality law is restored. The restoration of the net neutrality policy would be of immense benefit to internet users and new online businesses.

An unbiased internet will help new online startups to compete favorably with established and successful businesses. An internet where every website and content is accessed equally without preference will help new online businesses with quality services develop very fast. Without net neutrality, existing businesses can make a deal with ISPs to double their speed while reducing their small competitors' own into half. This will make it easier for users to access those websites, while new and small startups would be left with more challenges getting consumers to locate and access their website. Net neutrality helps in creating an online business community with equal advantages, just like an open marketplace.

Furthermore, net neutrality protects users from paying access fees to use some websites. Without net neutrality, an ISP can charge a user access fee to access top websites that generate most of the internet traffic, which may leave users with no choice but to pay the access fee to enjoy those services . This will deny users who are unable to pay this access fee the right to access the website and the services the website offers.

Additionally, net neutrality will advantageous to political parties during elections allowing all parties' websites to be accessed equally by prospective voters. Without net neutrality, an ISP that supports a candidate in an election can block or slow down access to the opposing party's website, reducing the party's chance of reaching prospective voters through the internet. This action by the ISP can lead to the failure of the party and its candidate in the election.

Nonetheless, the Senate should quicken the process of passing the Save the Internet act into law to help restore the policy of net neutrality. Congress should also make it compulsory for the FCC to regulate the #internet through net neutrality and protect consumers from the adverse effects of a biased and unequal internet.

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