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North Dakota State Issue

Should the practice of #fracking be stopped in ND because the negative impact outweighs the economic benefits?

The state of North Dakota is rich in natural resources. It is one of the states that contributes a significant amount of oil and #gas to overall national production. North Dakota is the second largest oil-producing state in the country. One of the techniques used to extract these resources is called hydraulic fracturing or fracking. Fracking is the process of drilling down into the Earth before a high-pressure water mixture of chemicals and sand is directed into the rock releasing the gas or oil inside. Like other energy technology methods, fracking is a matter of public debate.  

There is a school of thought that believes #fracking should continue, there is some risk but if done correctly it can still be safe for the environment. Supporters believe that due to the heavy dependence of the economy on fracking, ceasing the practice would mean millions of people losing their jobs, causing social and political upheaval. Furthermore, they argue that fracking boosts the national gross domestic product (GDP), increases revenue, and reduces gas bills for the residents of North Dakota. Proponents say that instead of banning fracking, supporting safety regulations around fracking will likely to be the best solution. 

People who oppose fracking suggest that the loss of millions of jobs is a small price compared to the consequences society will have to face otherwise. They further believe that by fracking, all-important resources like underground and surface water are at risk of being contaminated. They argue that with the polluted water, people are more prone to diseases which will affect the health and safety of residents as well as North Dakota's economy. Some believe that North Dakota should follow the likes of Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, and New York, who have banned fracking to prevent contamination of local water supply.

The question for debate, in a state like North Dakota, should the practice be stopped because the negative impact of fracking outweighs the economic benefits?

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