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North Dakota State Issue

Should the practice of #fracking be stopped in ND because the negative impact outweighs the economic benefits?

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"Boosting economy with #fracking in North Dakota" Jun 19, 2024

Humans have been tapping into the natural resources of the Earth to #thrive since the beginning of time. We reroute waterways to irrigate farms. We cut down trees to build shelter, houses, libraries, parks, etc. We clear poisonous plants that are harmful to other living things and build roadways that connect humans and animals together. And we tap into natural gases and oils in the Earth for industry, technological advances, and when you need to visit loved ones on the other side of the country.

Crude oil is the main component of #gasoline, and natural gases are primarily used for #heating and #electricity, developments which are necessary to keep many humans and animals alive in the United States. Last year in 2020, Americans used 123 billion gallons of motor gasoline. That is 337 million gallons per day. Every US state has experienced a temperature drop #belowzero except Hawaii, with the lowest ever recorded in Montana at -70 degrees in 1954. 

Life on Earth needs oils and natural gases to survive. And the best way to exhume these resources from the earth is by #fracking. Fracking is the safest, most efficient way to extract these necessary resources. And it has made North Dakota rich. 

An area which had previously been notorious for illegal activities like crime, prostitution, and drug activity has been transformed by the oil business in Watford City, North Dakota. Now the second largest producer of oil in the country, North Dakota’s industry has brought a boom to their economy bringing jobs, financial success, greater population, and better schools. 

Developments in technology have made fewer drilling rigs produce more product, lowering the dangers and chances of accidents. Anyone who is against fracking is against fracking until they get to the gas pump to fill up. Then they change their tune when gas is $10 a gallon.

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