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Texas State Issue

Should the state of Texas raise #fine amounts and adopt penalties in order to lower illegal air pollution?

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"Higher fines for #pollution can save lives" Jun 28, 2024

Pollution and climate change are legitimate issues that are oftent neglected and trivialized. However, political leaders, policymakers, and legislators must actively counter pollution for a sustainable and healthy environment. 

One of the most proactive solutions to reduce air pollution is the enforcement of state-imposed heavy fines on violations from larger corporations. This will serve as a lesson to all companies that Texas will not take the environmental issue lightly and will hold people responsible for illegal waste emissions.

The active dismantling of EPA standards by the Trump administration increased air pollution on oil and gas sites across Texas. Major pollutants such as methane, benzene, and ozone smog are contributing to significant air pollution, causing various health issues such as cancer, asthma, lung diseases, and breathing issues. Additionally, uncertain incidents such as fire explosions at the Kuarary American EVAL Pasadena plant have contributed to tons of air pollution, affecting air quality adversely.

The time is now to make a change to counter the big petrochemical corporations for their health and safety violations and for causing detrimental damage to the Texan air environment. Until heavy fines and penalties are imposed on the violations, giant corporations will continue to harm our environment and jeopardize our safety with their illegal waste disposal methods and practices.

The fight against these corporations must be ferocious so that the population living near these sites does not fall victim to various diseases. With EPA weakening its stance towards air pollution, the policymakers from Texas need to come forward and present a united front against this blatant violation of environmental standards. 

Texas should set precedence with active strategies, such as penalties, increased inspection, and investigation into the illegal dumping and emission of waste, along with active measures to thoroughly curb the explosion and chemical disasters.

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