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Should the U.S. adopt a #Medicare for All #healthcare system?

"Medicare for All" typically refers to a single-payer health care program in which all Americans are covered by a more generous version of Medicare, the health-insurance program for the elderly, that would replace all other existing public and private plans.

With Medicare for All, a federal government healthcare system would be set in place which everyone in the U.S enrolls, eliminating private insurance in favor of a federally sponsored health care network. General income taxes and payroll taxes are proposed to fund the majority of this universal health care system.

Proponents of the system believe that universal medicare would reduce the country's total #healthcare spending by trillions of dollars over the next decade by eliminating inflation and inefficient practices, such as payment systems and record keeping. Proponents also argue that while increasing healthcare services may increase healthcare costs, in the long term it could would reduce overall costs by reducing the rate of preventable chronic diseases, such as liver disease and heart disease.

Opponents of universal healthcare argue that it would raise taxes on most Americans without reducing the total cost of healthcare. Estimates for a universal healthcare program vary from $1.3 trillion to nearly $3 trillion annually. Also, people may not be as careful with their health if they do not have a financial incentive to do so. Other analysts are concerned that the government may not be able to use its bargaining power to drive down costs as steeply and quickly as predicted. 

The question for debate, should the U.S. adopt a Medicare for All #healthcare system?

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