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Should the U.S. be a member the #UnitedNations Council on #HumanRights #UNHRC?

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"Staying in the #UNHRC is best for the U.S." Aug 01, 2024

The United Nations Human Rights Council is a global organization to strengthen the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe. They also address #humanrights violations, making recommendations on ways to solve them and holding those countries accountable. It functions as the United Nations counterpart to international human rights groups, monitoring and examining situations in countries, and drawing international attention to them. The #UNHRC is a powerful and influential organization for maintaining and promoting human rights.

In 2018, the United States received plenty of criticism from the UNHRC members and U.S. media when they announced to resign its membership from the human rights council. The U.S. pointed to the poor membership criteria, the politicization of the council, and highly biased towards Israel as the primary reason behind its withdrawal. 

The U.S. withdrawal from the council sent a message to the #global community that, as the world's most powerful nation, they are better as critics than investing time and efforts to improve the council. The country had forgone its commitment to universal human rights and reinforced commitment among member states. The U.S. purposefully ignored the human rights councils' influence and importance over the global stage while focusing on Israel and its human rights violations.

Biden's decision to rejoin UNHRA was correct. The U.S. and its allies can work for careful, gradual reform of the system from within. This includes working on the reform of the UNHRC by criticizing noncompetitive slates of other council member states, working on a platform to humiliate countries that don’t present a fair choice and encourage more democratic governments to join the slate. Rejoining the council shows that U.S. has the strategic vision and the political will to reform the council. 

If the U.S. wants to promote the protection of human rights they need to understand that Israel has committed serious human rights abuses that are worthy of the council's condemnation. The other concerning factors such as membership criteria, Politicization of the UNHRC, and noncooperation of members can be only addressed by staying inside the council, and it's in the best interest of the U.S.

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