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Should the U.S. be a member the #UnitedNations Council on #HumanRights #UNHRC?

Score for this "No" opinion : 8.17

"#UNHRC is unethical, and the U.S. should stay out" Jul 28, 2024

The United Nations' Human Rights Council is justifiably criticized and accused of discrimination against countries like Israel. The UNHRC is also disreputable for encouraging the agenda of authoritarian regimes.

In recent years, the UNHRC purposefully had a blind eye to countries like North Korea, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Venezuela, China, Cuba, Russia, Zimbabwe, all of which have terrible human rights abuses. Instead of targeting its focus on these types of countries, the UNHRC just passed more resolutions targeting Israel than it has against any other member state.

Now there's a situation which numerous member countries are rated “not free” by Freedom House. It's high time that the UNHRC should reconsider its policies, as some member countries are taking advantage of the council to protect their severe human rights abuses. Drifting from its primary purpose of forming the #UnitedNations has long provided a global stage for dictators and theocrats to justify and launder their crimes. 

President Joe Biden should demand a principled commitment to human rights and leave the UNHRC. This includes the UNHRC working in a fair and equal manner, as no nation should be exempted from scrutiny or criticism. 

Love him or hate him, one issue Trump was right about was leaving the corrupt UNHRC. Joe Biden's administration should leave the UNHRC as well, as it can promote human rights through other paths such as the Third Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, as well as other governing bodies.

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