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Should the U.S. be part of the #Paris Agreement on #Climate Change?

The Paris Agreement is a historic pact made by almost every nation on the planet, with the united goal to decrease the global average temperature by 2 Celsius, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and provide financial resources to help developing countries adopt cleaner energy solutions. In 2015, 195 nations of the world, including the United States signed this agreement with the fundamental aim of fighting climate change. The Paris Agreement establishes a framework for global climate action, including the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, support for developing nations, and the transparent reporting and strengthening of climate goals

In 2017, former president Donald #Trump made a controversial move to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. The Trump administration stated that the accords will "undermine our economy, hamstring our workers," and "effectively decapitate our coal industry."  Trump claimed that the agreement would cost the U.S. economy $3 trillion by 2040 and $2.7 million jobs by 2025 and it will make the US economy weaker compared to China and India. In 2021, as expected President Joe Biden rejoined the Paris Agreement.  

The U.S. is the second-biggest carbon emitter after China. Supporter of joining the agreement feel that the mission of the accords are important to U.S. and international climate change. As a part of the agreement, the U.S. committed to cutting overall greenhouse gas emissions by 26 to 28 percent of their 2005 levels by the year 2025. It includes the program to cut carbon pollution from the power sector and incorporate stricter automotive fuel standards. Many believe that, by being part of the agreement, it holds the U.S. to this standard, which is seen as critical in affecting the global climate outlook.

The question for debate is, should the United States be part of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change?

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