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Should the U.S. give every American adult $1,000 per month in Universal Basic Income as a way to combat poverty? #UBI

The idea of establishing a #UniversalBasicIncome (UBI) gained awareness during the 2020 presidential election, primarily because of Democratic primary candidate Andrew Yang. Under such a plan, everyone would receive a basic income of $1000 per month, regardless of their social status.

Supporters of UBI believe it will alleviate poverty and eradicate hunger. Everyone should be provided with enough resources to manage the cost of living, so that no one is deprived of their fundamental rights to life.

Opponents of UBI believe it will deprive hardworking people of their due share and eliminate an individuals desires to earn more, as they will have to pay a lot in taxes. Furthermore, these people argue that it demotivates people to work hard, which can be consequential for the economy of the United States. A capitalist system demands hard work to earn money and maintain social status. 

The question for debate, should the U.S. give every American adult $1,000 per month in Universal Basic Income as a way to combat poverty?

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