Affording a #collegeeducation has become a more and more challenging situation for those looking to obtain a college degree. Many students are opting for federal approved student loans to fulfill their dream, which is expensive. Student debt is at a record high level of $1.5 trillion in the United States, and 44.2 million Americans are living with student debt including many that are on the verge of loan default. These numbers indicate that it may be time to consider higher education policies in the United States. The idea of free education became more popular when politicians like Bernie Sanders suggested the idea of tuition-free public colleges and universities. Supporters feel that those of the lowest socio-economic status in our country are struggling financially, not even able to manage their necessities. Getting a college education is a distant dream to them. While tuition-free college would help eliminate some of the financial deterrents of attending college, it would not eliminate all of the problems. Students are still responsible for the cost of housing, meals, books, transportation, etc. Opponents to free #tuition are concerned about the burden that this would cause to taxpayers, many of whom did not choose to go to college themselves. Others are concerned that with free tuition, the overall value and quality of a college education would decrease as more would take advantage of the opportunity. The question for debate is, should the United States provide free tuition for public colleges?
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