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Should the U.S. government fund free #tuition for public colleges?

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"Plans for #free college education in the U.S." Sep 17, 2024

The rising costs of higher education institutions in the United States has directly contributed to the burden of #debt facing recent graduations. The fear of crippling debt is the primary reason some students opt not to pursue a degree. Public K-12 in the U.S. is free because we believe that every child has the right to education that would further better their lives. However, this right does not extend to students attending institutions of higher education. While those who successfully complete their degree will have a higher likelihood of acquiring more wealth, they also face the potential of a lifetime of student loan payments. 

Providing free tuition is a benefit to #students and a benefit to society. An educated society is needed for thoughtful involvement in politics, the economy, and the development of a strong young generation. Republics and Democrats always demand educated people for political participation, and thrive when our political, economic, and business leaders are well educated. When votes are cast on issues and representatives, college education helps provide historical context, understanding of social systems and underlying social and economic issues. Thus college education exposes people to ideas and people of varied backgrounds.

Free college is also a natural extension of free public education that is provided in elementary schools and high schools. Free education in the U.S. has been an evolutionary process, and colleges are the natural next step.

The world is remarkably changing and the U.S. economy requires a better-educated workforce. Current jobs are knowledge-based and require advanced technical skills. There are sometimes less people who meet the required qualifications, hence making college education free will increase the skill level of candidates to help fill those positions. 

Low-income and middle-income students who excel in high school might fail to go college due to lack of funds. This is a waste of America’s intelligence. These individuals could contribute to economic advances, leadership, and medical developments. 

To conclude, education is deemed as the country’s future investment rather than a give-away program. All students should have the opportunity to get educated, whether they can pay for it or not.

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