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Should the U.S. government keep or repeal the #AffordableCareAct?

Score for this "Repeal" opinion : 8.17

"#ACA has been harmful for millions of Americans" Aug 04, 2024

Since its implementation, the deductibles and overall costs of healthcare plans have risen, making the #ACA more detrimental than when conservatives originally argued against Obama's plan. 

The mandates of the ACA have discouraged small businesses from being able to hire full-time employees. Because of the cost associated with providing health insurance to employees, small businesses are not always able to afford to provide business sponsored health insurance plans. The ACA results in more part-time employees who are not given health coverage from their employees, and they then must find more work and health coverage elsewhere. 

The ACA further penalizes Americans through #tax penalties enforced on those who are not insured. It's bad enough that these individuals can't afford to get health insurance, why does the government have to take MORE money away from them. 

While the concept of the healthcare marketplace seems appealing for allowing people to find coverage that suits their needs and budget, the reality is that prices can be raised and insurers can drop out of the marketplace limiting the options that people have for insurance. There is no guarantee that the marketplace will have what is right for everyone. 

Lastly, the ACA causes people to face smaller healthcare networks and reduced freedom to find quality healthcare. You start to lose the freedom to choose your health care provider as you become locked in a network that may not meet all your needs, or faced with much higher costs (or no coverage at all) if you seek care out of your network.

The ACA forces millions of Americans between a rock and a hard place when it comes to health insurance. If they can't afford it, they get charged a penalty; if they want care out of their network, they get charged a penalty; if they can't find full time work, they can't get insurance, and therefore must seek ACA insurance or get charged a penalty. It is a vicious cycle that a section of the American population faces.

ACA is a failure, it's time to repeal it.

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