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Should the U.S. government provide #reparations for slavery?

#Reparations are payments, monetary or otherwise, that are given to a group that has suffered harm in the past. As an example, the Japanese-Americans who were interned in the United States during World War II were paid reparations as an apology by the U.S. government. 

In 1865, slavery was abolished in the U.S. with the ratification of the 13th amendment. Recently, various local governments such as San Francisco have assessed reparations for black eligible residents. There is also an ongoing debate at the national level on if the U.S. government should pay reparations to the decedents of slaves.  

Supporters believe that generational wealth that we see now primarily favors only one race, whites, and that it was built on the backs of slaves. They believe that much of the racial inequality and income disparity we still feel in this country has its roots in slavery.

Opponents argue that no slaves nor slave owners are alive, so it is unfair to those that wouldn't receive reparations as it would have to come somewhere from government funds. Others also say it could possibly damage current race relations. 

The question for debate, should U.S. government provide reparations for slavery?

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