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Should the U.S. government support an immediate long-term ceasefire in Gaza? #Israel #Palestine

Score for this "Yes" opinion : 8.6

"U.S Ceasefire Support: First Step to Peace in Gaza" Jul 02, 2024

If humans have one strong suit as a species, it’s our undeniable ability to adapt and adjust to almost anything, given time. Constant exposure to high-end luxury eventually makes even the nicest things commonplace to us. But, in the same vein, over time, it becomes equally possible for us to start treating the absurd as part of everyday life.

On several levels, the argument can be made that the latter scenario is what the world is witnessing with the Gaza-Israel conflict. These two sides have been at odds on and off for nearly two decades. As such, it’s possible that we’ve become deadened to the implications of letting this unrest continue.

The latest bout of attacks between these two sides started in 2023 and, many will openly agree that it has been the most brutal yet. What is truly unfortunate is that, at this time, if both sides are left to their devices, they likely wouldn’t mind ultimately annihilating each other.

This is also the biggest reason why objective bystanders capable of analyzing the situation with clear eyes need to step in post-haste. The United States of America in particular cannot continue to fold her arms (at best) or covertly foster unrest (at worst) any longer. The damage and toll of this war continue to rise with each passing day and things get ever closer to tipping point the longer the war is allowed to continue.

However, some people may find themselves asking questions like; does the U.S. really need to push for a ceasefire in Gaza? Are things truly that dire there? Would it be so bad to let affairs in that regard run their natural course?

To answer these questions in order, the truth is that the United States of America HAS to push for a ceasefire in Gaza. If for no other reason than for the fact that America is one of the few nations in the entire world that can actually make it happen. We owe at least that much to the people who die every day in the war-torn region. We have the same obligation to those that they leave behind.

As for the situation of things in Gaza right now, let the facts speak for themselves.

In the first two weeks after full-scale war broke out in October 2023, nearly 7,000 Palestinian lives were lost. Nearly 2,000 Israelis died in that same stretch of time. A little over two months after that and this figure has nearly doubled. Should things progress at this rate the entire population of the region could be completely decimated in only a few short years.

While we certainly mourn those who have been lost to this war, it would be highly remiss of anyone to underestimate just how dire the situation is for survivors. At the moment, the vast majority of people in Gaza have zero or limited access to essential amenities like clean water and basic medical services. Things are just as bad on the financial front as a record 80% of the population currently live below the poverty line. These are terrible conditions that no normal human being alive should be subjected to at all.

And, on top of this, people die every single day.

What’s worse, like every other war, bystanders are slowly becoming casualties here, too. With the indiscriminate attacks on Gaza, the lives of Doctors Without Borders who risk it all to help the wounded in Gaza are constantly in danger.

One such professional, Maher Sharif, recounts her sordid experience. “I was heading to Al-Shifa Hospital to work this morning when the facility was hit. All of us were horrified, some of us threw ourselves to the ground. I saw dead bodies, including women and children. This scene was horrific and made all of us cry. Medical staff were terrified, trying to save their lives and their families."

But there’s even worse still to come if you can even believe it.

Now, the longer this war between Israel and Gaza drags on, the more opportunity Hamas will have to exploit to cause even more chaos and destruction. This is a possibility that the world will underestimate its peril. While it is certain that peace in Gaza won’t make Hamas fade into obscurity, there can be no contesting the fact that it’ll surely save a lot of lives.

At this point, it’s crystal clear that more has to be done to preserve the lives and properties of those in the region. And, sure, peace might be a long way off from where we’re at right now. But one thing that’s definitely within our grasp at this time is an immediate ceasefire resolution.

What’s more, there’s no better time than the present for the U.S. to push for this. Any further delay on that front would be tantamount to inviting disaster!

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